0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

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Re: 0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

Post by biolizard89 »

Pif01010 wrote:Okay new update I just sent a new email with the debug code yesterday. I did it from my friends linux again but we forgot which email we sent from originally. So I used proton mail hopefully that's secure. The .txt doc was the version where the error was isolated so hopefully that both gives you enough info and hackers or whoever else not enough.
Okay, so the relevant error excerpts are:

Code: Select all

ERROR: ReadBlockOrHeader: Deserialize or I/O error - ReadCompactSize(): size too large at CBlockDiskPos
*** Failed to read block
Startpaging for this leads to the following Bitcoin Core issues:


These errors are consistent with a corrupted blockchain and/or a corrupted blockchain index. There are lots of possible causes of this, ranging from a failing hard drive, to the computer losing power while Namecoin was running, to a bug in the version of Namecoin that originally downloaded the blockchain (which I guess was 0.3.80), and probably lots of other possible causes.

Can you tell me what the names of the various files and folders in your Namecoin profile folder are? (It's the folder that contains debug.log.) I don't need to know what's inside the subfolders. You can post a screenshot of My Computer in that folder if that's easier. Let me know if you need help finding the folder.
Pif01010 wrote:Anyways in attempts to renew and fix everything I did download a namecoin core on another computer. In some ways its way better, like I was never able to get a qt to work on that computer.

But I am having some issues including a bit of a glitch that may or may not serious, but annoying for sure.

I was wondering should I just start another thread about that?

That way others can learn from my namecoin core issue and we can continue to stay a little more on topic here.
But it is related in that its plan B in attempts to fix this issue and it might be less confusing to keep everything on this thread.
What do you guys think?
I think you can open a new thread for that.
Jeremy Rand, Lead Namecoin Application Engineer
NameID: id/jeremy
DyName: Dynamic DNS update client for .bit domains.

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Re: 0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

Post by Pif01010 »

Hmmm It's funny those all seem likely cause they all seem unlikely as well.
I say this cause the computer in question is my highest quality computer and I have like 10 computers, and in some respects the QT wallet in question is working like a dream compared to the one with over 1K namecoins on it. That Qt wallet I'm worried about as well, but the wallet with the debug code has most of the names and a fair bit of NMC as well.

So like one thing at a time I guess, or at least not too many. But the Qt wallet with the debug code was the wallet we were originally trying to send the 800 NMC from.
(Sorry it gets confusing)
The thing that strikes me odd about it being corrupted is that, qt isn't supposed to work, yet on this computer I can send domains, send NMC, and even register domains still with little to no problem. Maybe it's just some small problem that won't let it upgrade to namecoin core? That's about the only thing it can't seem to do on that qt.

Yeah I do think you lost me somewhere and may need help located the folder.

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Re: 0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

Post by biolizard89 »

Pif01010 wrote:Hmmm It's funny those all seem likely cause they all seem unlikely as well.
I say this cause the computer in question is my highest quality computer and I have like 10 computers, and in some respects the QT wallet in question is working like a dream compared to the one with over 1K namecoins on it. That Qt wallet I'm worried about as well, but the wallet with the debug code has most of the names and a fair bit of NMC as well.

So like one thing at a time I guess, or at least not too many. But the Qt wallet with the debug code was the wallet we were originally trying to send the 800 NMC from.
(Sorry it gets confusing)
The thing that strikes me odd about it being corrupted is that, qt isn't supposed to work, yet on this computer I can send domains, send NMC, and even register domains still with little to no problem. Maybe it's just some small problem that won't let it upgrade to namecoin core? That's about the only thing it can't seem to do on that qt.

Yeah I do think you lost me somewhere and may need help located the folder.
I think you can get to your Namecoin profile folder on Windows by opening My Computer, and typing the following into the location bar (and then pressing Enter):

Code: Select all

Some of the files that are likely to be there are "banlist.dat", "debug.log", "peers.dat", and "wallet.dat".

Hope this helps you find it.
Jeremy Rand, Lead Namecoin Application Engineer
NameID: id/jeremy
DyName: Dynamic DNS update client for .bit domains.

Donations: BTC 1EcUWRa9H6ZuWPkF3BDj6k4k1vCgv41ab8 ; NMC NFqbaS7ReiQ9MBmsowwcDSmp4iDznjmEh5

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Re: 0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

Post by Pif01010 »

hmmm I'm not seeing it.
I'm on windows 10, so PC replaces my computer right? Cause I'm not seeing my computer?
It didn't seem to bring up the folders.
I also tried going to the start menu, but that didn't work either.

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Re: 0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

Post by biolizard89 »

Pif01010 wrote:hmmm I'm not seeing it.
I'm on windows 10, so PC replaces my computer right? Cause I'm not seeing my computer?
It didn't seem to bring up the folders.
I also tried going to the start menu, but that didn't work either.
I don't have access to a Windows 10 machine right now to check (I could plausibly check later today), but based on Startpaging it looks like you can type the following into the search bar that appears when you click the Windows button:

Code: Select all

Let us know if that finds the folder.
Jeremy Rand, Lead Namecoin Application Engineer
NameID: id/jeremy
DyName: Dynamic DNS update client for .bit domains.

Donations: BTC 1EcUWRa9H6ZuWPkF3BDj6k4k1vCgv41ab8 ; NMC NFqbaS7ReiQ9MBmsowwcDSmp4iDznjmEh5

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Re: 0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

Post by Pif01010 »

Okay sorry I've been gone for a bit, I was a bit overwhelmed and didn't know where to begin, but let's start by me fulfilling your request.
I talked to one of my tech support members and we believe this is probably what you are looking for...
namecoindirectorypicture.jpg (134 KiB) Viewed 48379 times

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Re: 0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

Post by Pif01010 »

However there has been a few things kind of messing me up.
You see the above photo comes from my qt wallet that is actually working quite nicely.
I'm surprised cause you said it wouldn't work but it so far works bets of all my wallets including my namecoin core.

Maybe it's cause it's a pretty decent computer here.

So far my issues with the core wallet is:
1. when I try to register a domain it asks for a JSON string or something like that?
Does that ring a bell?
1.5 I tried to cancel and register it on my qt, my qt was successful
1.75 now it keeps bugging me to go through with the transaction, even though it's already registered on my wallet
1.99 Which brings me to when I have these sort of transactions it doesn't let me cancel the transaction an error that says

(code-5) not eligible for cancellation comes up?

We tried 2 ways of canceling it.
A) the very basic right click cancel sort of way
B) and through the debug code command option and I haven't had much luck with either.

I got the code with the debug code command option?

2. Perhaps more concerning though is on my core it doesn't show which transactions are which other than a long string of transaction Id's that is very difficult to tell which transaction is which. Is this right or is this a bit of a glitch or something?

Finally since I am concerned about qt vs core at the moment
I'm wondering about this idea...

Since I can get transactions through on my other computer which works fine without resorting to such extreme measures
in theory could I up the reward for minors to get transactions through?

My tech guy suggested this and I think I saw something in my wallet about it before.

So I have about 300 domains in my other qt that doesn't work...
As well 1165.7288456 NMC in that wallet.
The domains aren't expiring right away.

But could I create a strategy to move all this?
I'd be willing to do fairly high rewards to get some of this out.

What do you guys think?

I feel like I'm progressing on this issue but still rather confused. What do you guys suggest?

I'd really like to at least move another 500 NMC to my other qt, that feels like a good move as that one seems to have domains getting closer to expiring everyday now.
And that would give me some relief on that front.

What do you think?

Also if I do that how much reward should I have per domain, like .25nmc or something big like that or...?

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Re: 0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

Post by biolizard89 »

Pif01010 wrote:Okay sorry I've been gone for a bit, I was a bit overwhelmed and didn't know where to begin, but let's start by me fulfilling your request.
I talked to one of my tech support members and we believe this is probably what you are looking for...
Okay, so, on the computer where Namecoin Core is showing the "ERROR: ReadBlockOrHeader: Deserialize or I/O error - ReadCompactSize(): size too large at CBlockDiskPos" message in debug.log, first make sure that Namecoin-Qt and Namecoin Core aren't running, then move the following files/folders to any other empty directory:
  • blocks
  • chainstate
  • database
  • blk0001.dat
  • blk0002.dat
  • blkindex.dat
  • nameindex.dat
Make sure that you remember what empty directory you moved them to, so that you can move them back if I recommend doing so later. I'd suggest creating an empty directory as a subdirectory of your Documents folder and moving them there.

Then start Namecoin Core (not Namecoin-Qt). It will re-download the blockchain, and hopefully this will resolve the corruption. It will probably take a few hours. Your coins and names will stay intact, but you might not be able to make new transactions until the blockchain has downloaded. Once the blockchain has downloaded, the issue should be resolved (and you can keep using Namecoin Core on that computer; don't go back to Namecoin-Qt 0.3.80 after that).
Pif01010 wrote:1. when I try to register a domain it asks for a JSON string or something like that?
Does that ring a bell?
This is the JSON value that's attached to the name, which would include information such as the IP address that you want the domain name to point to. If you're just holding the name and not pointing it to a website, you can enter whatever you want. It looks like there's a bug right now that prevents leaving it completely blank (see https://github.com/namecoin/namecoin-core/issues/118 ), but you can enter a single character (e.g. a letter or number or space or question mark) and it will work fine. (The longer the data you enter, the higher the fee will be, so keep it at a single character unless you actually want the domain name to point to a website.)

Our NLnet funding does include some funding to make this particular aspect more user-friendly, so hopefully that'll be improved soon.
Pif01010 wrote:1.75 now it keeps bugging me to go through with the transaction, even though it's already registered on my wallet
If I recall correctly, when Namecoin Core asks you whether you want to finish the transaction, say Yes. It will then ask you for your wallet password. It will then probably show an error saying that the name is already registered (or something to that effect), and it will ask you if you want to cancel the transaction. At that point, tell it to cancel the transaction, and it won't bother you anymore about it. The relevant GitHub issue is https://github.com/namecoin/namecoin-core/issues/119 .
Pif01010 wrote:1.99 Which brings me to when I have these sort of transactions it doesn't let me cancel the transaction an error that says
The transaction has to be canceled the way I described above. The technical reason for this is that the usual method of canceling transactions is used to cancel transactions that are already signed and present in your memory pool; the name_firstupdate transaction isn't signed or added to your memory pool until you click Yes when prompted to finish the transaction and enter your wallet password.
Pif01010 wrote:2. Perhaps more concerning though is on my core it doesn't show which transactions are which other than a long string of transaction Id's that is very difficult to tell which transaction is which. Is this right or is this a bit of a glitch or something?
I think this is only the case for name_new transactions; the name_firstupdate and name_update transactions should list the name. The technical reason for this is that name_new transactions don't actually contain the name being registered, they only contain a salted commitment to the name (this is to prevent someone else from seeing names that you register and then trying to register the same name themselves before your registration gets mined). I think the old 0.3.80 client had some custom logic in place to label the name_new transactions with the name, even though the transactions themselves don't have a name. I'll look into whether we can add a similar feature to Namecoin Core; the relevant GitHub issue is https://github.com/namecoin/namecoin-core/issues/180 .
Pif01010 wrote:Since I can get transactions through on my other computer which works fine without resorting to such extreme measures
in theory could I up the reward for minors to get transactions through?
Transactions generated by Namecoin 0.3.80 sometimes (50% of the time) violate something called the low-S rule. Most miners will reject transactions that violate the low-S rule regardless of fee paid, because transactions that violate the low-S rule are sometimes used by attackers to harm the network (allegedly this kind of transaction was used as a component of the MtGox theft). So basically that rule is there for security reasons, and miners probably won't allow transactions that violate it. (Technically it's possible for an irresponsible miner to mine them anyway, and such a miner might be more willing to do so for a high fee, but I don't recommend it.)

That said, if you create a transaction with 0.3.80 and it hasn't been mined within a few blocks, that's usually a sign that it was rejected due to the low-S rule, and the straightforward solution is to simply cancel the transaction and then try again (at which point it will succeed with 50% probability, if it doesn't get mined within a few blocks, keep canceling the transaction and trying again until it goes through).
Pif01010 wrote:I'd really like to at least move another 500 NMC to my other qt, that feels like a good move as that one seems to have domains getting closer to expiring everyday now.
And that would give me some relief on that front.
In theory you can send coins to that wallet from any other wallet (but if you're sending from an 0.3.80 wallet, there's a 50% chance that it won't go through, see my above comment).
Last edited by biolizard89 on Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Added GitHub links
Jeremy Rand, Lead Namecoin Application Engineer
NameID: id/jeremy
DyName: Dynamic DNS update client for .bit domains.

Donations: BTC 1EcUWRa9H6ZuWPkF3BDj6k4k1vCgv41ab8 ; NMC NFqbaS7ReiQ9MBmsowwcDSmp4iDznjmEh5

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Re: 0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

Post by Pif01010 »

Alright I have to say I love the efficiency of the style of response you gave answering every part of my questions.
It is also going over my head a bit, I may get my tech guy to come by in the next few days for that.

I'm confused why renewing domains is so easy on my 1 qt

And I'm really interested in that JSON String thing, so could I just leave it as a short code to help me organize my domains?
and if I have a .bit domain on my qt that I registered how do I point the JSON String so it will point to a website I am building?
Oh and if I do leave a short code can I undo it later and point it afterwords?

Other than that I'm not sure you answered (or maybe I forgot to ask) but my namecoin core unlike my qt doesn't show which transactions are which other than a long code, how do I figure that out?

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Re: 0 confirmations has turned LOST EVERYTHING!

Post by biolizard89 »

Pif01010 wrote:And I'm really interested in that JSON String thing, so could I just leave it as a short code to help me organize my domains?
In theory you could. However, be aware that whatever you enter for the JSON string will be publicly viewable by anyone who looks up your domain name in a block explorer. Also, whatever you enter will have to be stored for eternity in the blockchain, which would produce negative externalities for everyone else who downloads the blockchain. So, generally I don't recommend it. I think we're planning to add a "memo" field to name entries in the wallet, which wouldn't be part of the blockchain but would be usable for organizing names. Not sure exactly when that will be added, it's not at the top of our priority list quite yet.
Pif01010 wrote:and if I have a .bit domain on my qt that I registered how do I point the JSON String so it will point to a website I am building?
That depends on how your website can be found. If your website has a static IPv4 address (for this example, let's say, then the JSON data you would enter would look like this:

Code: Select all

Other data (e.g. IPv6 addresses, or nameserver addresses, or TLS fingerprints, or .onion addresses) can also be added; feel free to ask if you need more info on those.
Pif01010 wrote:Oh and if I do leave a short code can I undo it later and point it afterwords?
You can edit the JSON data whenever you like by clicking the "Configure Name..." button in the "Manage Names" tab. Note that each time you edit the data, you'll need to pay a transaction fee.
Pif01010 wrote:Other than that I'm not sure you answered (or maybe I forgot to ask) but my namecoin core unlike my qt doesn't show which transactions are which other than a long code, how do I figure that out?
See the section of my previous reply that begins "I think this is only the case for name_new transactions", hopefully that answers it.
Jeremy Rand, Lead Namecoin Application Engineer
NameID: id/jeremy
DyName: Dynamic DNS update client for .bit domains.

Donations: BTC 1EcUWRa9H6ZuWPkF3BDj6k4k1vCgv41ab8 ; NMC NFqbaS7ReiQ9MBmsowwcDSmp4iDznjmEh5

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