I will try to write about:
- Building with Golang
- Running dnsseeder with verbose flags
- Testing with "dig" or "drill"
- Monitor with "links"
- Explain a little about DNS
- How to create a systemd service file
- Follow the packets with wireshark
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dig @localhost -p 5353 subdomain.example.org a
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dig @localhost -p 5353 subdomain.example.org aaaa
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tcp port 8334
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tcp port 8336
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sudo lsof -i
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seed.example.org. IN NS ns4seed.example.org.
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dot, please get me the NS for org
org, please get me the NS for example
example, please get me the ip of seed
im sorry, dont have that, ask ns4seed
ns4seed, please get me ips of seed
Jeremy found the weird behavior,
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// Bitcoin nodes typically return two Addr messages: one with
// only one peer, and another with many peers. This is
// probably because ancient protocol versions (pver < 209) only
// allowed one peer per Addr mesage, so returning a one-peer
// Addr message first improves backward-compatibility. Anyway,
// this means we need to wait for the second Addr message.