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Re: Rebase namecoin on Bitcoin 0.6 or libbitcoin

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:43 am
by Bitinvestor
moa wrote: - combination of libbitcoin and rebase with enough (not fully) of current bitcoind core to keep a foot in the door if libbitcoin stagnates?
This seems like a reasonable compromise. It's too early to bet the farm on libbitcoin.
moa wrote:Just throwing this out there : possibilities for another way forward?
- develop and maintain a new library "libnamecoin"? .. based on libbitcoin but extended for namecoin and maintained for that reason, in collaboration with genjix on libbitcoin ... (libcoin?) to get some bilateral benefits.
I like this idea.
moa wrote: E.g: namecoin still uses .namecoiin/bitcoin.conf file
Version 3.5 allows you to rename bitcoin.conf to namecoin.conf if you like.

Re: Rebase namecoin on Bitcoin 0.6 or libbitcoin

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:31 pm
by Luceo
I'd like to reverse my position and suggest using core Bitcoin code in light of recent events.

It seems that genjix has his hands full with Bitcoinica and has announced that there are suspected vulnerabilities in Electrum, that his health is suffering etc, which suggests that being reliant on him to keep up what is probably a fringe project for him is unreasonable.

Re: Rebase namecoin on Bitcoin 0.6 or libbitcoin

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:19 pm
by Bitinvestor
Luceo wrote:I'd like to reverse my position and suggest using core Bitcoin code in light of recent events.

It seems that genjix has his hands full with Bitcoinica and has announced that there are suspected vulnerabilities in Electrum, that his health is suffering etc, which suggests that being reliant on him to keep up what is probably a fringe project for him is unreasonable.
After today's revelations I wouldn't touch libbitcoin with a 5 foot pole.

Here's what genjix said for those who missed it:

"I have physical health problems and need to see a doctor, but haven't had the time. On the forums I'm called a scammer and repeatedly insulted. Someone is trying to sue us. My bank gave me crap and held my money. I was borrowing cash from friends and spent 3 days eating bad muesli and cheap milk. I lost a lot of code by accident. I put a lot of work into the clients page to make everything fairer, and now it will be removed, helping to recentralise bitcoin again. Electrum maybe has a security flaw and Macs have random problems. The conference needs the CFP announced soon, but I have to deal with Bitcoinica first. My health is suffering and im getting headaches. Right now is the first time I'm feeling depression, and I'm a little worried because I've never had it before but my father did. I emailed a health professional and they advised me to seek help. I've started sleeping very long, being very lethargic and apathetic. When the Bitcoinica thing first happened, I was considering suicide until Tihan said he had the funds."

Re: Rebase namecoin on Bitcoin 0.6 or libbitcoin

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:38 pm
by phelix
Luceo wrote:Maybe we can get in touch with genjx and see what his plans are for libbitcoin?
I think that it's a very viable option if it's likely to keep getting support.
I had sent him a pm on bitcointalk but he never answered. I guess now he has more pressing things on his mind :roll:
Bitinvestor wrote:
Luceo wrote:I'd like to reverse my position and suggest using core Bitcoin code in light of recent events.

maybe we can still try to keep as many things as possible out of the core and in python (nmcontrol)

p.s. the forum is on fire :)

Re: Rebase namecoin on Bitcoin 0.6 or libbitcoin

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:25 am
by khal
I guess the more rational choice is to choose bitcoin now...
All this is a bit sad, maybe we will ask ourselves the same question again in the future :)

Luceo will rebase with bitcoin 0.6 if it's still ok for him (hl me on irc if you need as I know a lot of namecoin specificities)

ps : genjix, courage and detachment !

Re: Rebase namecoin on Bitcoin 0.6 or libbitcoin

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:04 am
by moa
removed ....

Re: Rebase namecoin on Bitcoin 0.6 or libbitcoin

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:37 pm
by moa
Okay, time to bring this up again now that bitcoin 0.7.0 has been released.

Will namecoin be implementing multi-sig and raw transaction features of bitcoin 0.7.0 ... for example?

Re: Rebase namecoin on Bitcoin 0.6 or libbitcoin

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:00 am
by biolizard89
moa wrote:Okay, time to bring this up again now that bitcoin 0.7.0 has been released.

Will namecoin be implementing multi-sig and raw transaction features of bitcoin 0.7.0 ... for example?
That would be awesome. My imagination is limited; what kinds of interesting things could Namecoin do with multisig?

Re: Rebase namecoin on Bitcoin 0.6 or libbitcoin

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:02 pm
by phelix
biolizard89 wrote:
moa wrote:Okay, time to bring this up again now that bitcoin 0.7.0 has been released.

Will namecoin be implementing multi-sig and raw transaction features of bitcoin 0.7.0 ... for example?
That would be awesome. My imagination is limited; what kinds of interesting things could Namecoin do with multisig?
I just hope things don't get too complicated... oh wait they are already :)

Re: Rebase namecoin on Bitcoin 0.6 or libbitcoin

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:04 pm
by phelix
Maybe it's time to review libbitcoin.... I know Zeroreserve ( is using it too.