firstupdate trouble [solved]

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firstupdate trouble [solved]

Post by Nesetalis »

Guys on IRC gave it a shot, but not enough people paying attention there I guess.
windows 7 64bit
namecoind version

I put in the name_new on block 20904, and when i got around to the firstupdate it was past 20930.
I tried running something like this:

Code: Select all

.\namecoind.exe name_firstupdate d/herf-derf shorthexherf longhexderf "{\"map\": {\"\": \"\", \"nes\": \"\"}}"
And end up with this response:

Code: Select all

error: {"code":-1,"message":"name_firstupdate <name> <rand> [<tx>] <value>\nPerform a first update after a name_new reservation.\nNote that the first update will go into a block 12 blocks after the name_new, at the soonest."}
If I do it without the tx, it says:

Code: Select all

error: {"code":-1,"message":"previous transaction is not in the wallet"}
edit: moa7 helped.. was the " instead of ' around the json.

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