Hi. I started work on this bounty.phelix wrote: 0.1 BTC - Rebrand Namecore (Namecoin Core client)
Replace "Bitcoin" by "Namecoin" (and similar) where appropriate, replace all logos with the new Namecoin logo
Could someone test the current version?
Commits: https://github.com/fsb4000/namecore/com ... dd99afe4b8
https://github.com/fsb4000/namecore/com ... 5b087a296d
Windows binary:
namecoin-qt.exe: https://yadi.sk/d/10PQnE1egtBFH
namecoin-cli.exe: https://yadi.sk/d/ZowFSIcfgtBGr
namecoind.exe: https://yadi.sk/d/fj2om8T_gtBKK
namecoin-tx.exe: https://yadi.sk/d/d-LKTVNMgtBLn
1) I didn't replace "see the Bitcoin Wiki for SSL setup instructions" because Bitcoin Wiki has
instructions for SSL setup.
2) I didn't replace Bitcoin to Namecoin at Qt translation files because this(and similar : ():
https://github.com/fsb4000/namecore/blo ... ar.ts#L318
Maybe we should open translation project @ https://www.transifex.com/ , how do you think? (it is free for open source projects)
I'm native Russian and I know a bit Ukrainian and Belarusian.
Anyway I will try to partially replace Bitcoin to Namecoin.
If you find unreplaced phrases please write in this topic, I'll replace.